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She woke up broke and horny…..


That is the answer Tori usually gives when one asks how she started in the escort business.

The truth of the matter is the attractive redhead woke up one morning to the realization that she was in a dire financial situation.

Accompanying that was the burning inside her, the desperate hunger and need to get laid.

It had been four years since Tori had shared any type of intimacy with anyone.

Truth be told intimacy and a healthy sex life had been totally absent from her life sinc she first met Alan.

Over the past 13 years Tori had somehow managed to put sex on a back shelf for the sake of her marriage.

She had finally left Alan about two months ago. She let him keep the house, it wasn’t worth fighting over and it held nothing but bad memories for her.

She and her three chilren had moved into a townhome and were slowly settling into their new lives.

Her business in party and wedding planning was well established and she was successful, but the past few months had dealt her 3 cancellations and that was a rarity.

She had a small nest egg in hers and Alan’s credit union acount that she would be able to dip into if the need arose.

That, in fact, was exactly what hapened. The need arose and, although she had vowed to keep her portion of their savings intact and ready to use towards the down paymet on a new home she now found herself standing in the line at the credit union.

She begrudgingly handed her ID as well as the check made out to cash.

At least she wasn’t taking all of the savings as every penny of it was money she had earned. Sadly the Virginia courts would force her to split it as it was considered marital property.

The teller looked a bit confused and then asked Tori to wait a moment as she made her way towards the branch manager.

The two ladies glancced oever at Tori and she held their stare for what sseemed an eternity.

What was the problem she wondered. It wasn’t as though she was attempting to conduct an overly detailed transaction.

The manager took the ID and check from the teller and made her way to Tori.

“Is there some sort of problem?” Tori asked.

The manager then proceded to inform Tori that the account had been closed ad all the funds withdrawn earlier that week.

“How can that be possible” Tori asked with barely contained anger.

“I was the original member to open the account, and closing it wold have to be a joint effort” she said in a voice that did little to disguise her frustrtion.

The manager was mumbling something or other at Tori when the now distraght woman cut her off.

“OK, so the bottom line is my soon to be ex husband and your bank basically conducted a fraudulent busienss transaction without any authorization or confirmation from the account holder. Right?” Tori was now visibly shaking, her temper and stress about to reach the boiling point.

The older, stern looking woman uttered the word “No” while rapidly firing off one explanation after another, none of which mattered to Tori.

Tori snatched her ID from the woman and stormed out of the bank.

She was on the verge of tears as the bleak reality of her situation began to sink in.

Alan wold later cliam he took all their (her) savings to fix up their home for when Tori “came back”.

It was both amusing and frustrating to Tori to face the realization that the man she had dedicated so many years to, the one she had supported both eotionally and financially for over 10 years had all but robbed her blind.

Tori unlocked her car and sank into the drivers seat.

She began to slam her fists against the steering wheel, letting go so much built up tension and anger that she thought she would explode.

After a few minutes of this tantrum like behavior, with passers by looking uncomfortably at her Tori fored herself to take a deep breath and regain her composure.

She was an intelligent and resourceful woman.

Besides she had been through far worse she thought, briefly recalling the abusive foster home and nights spent sleeping in an abandoned bus.

The feel of material rubbing against her clit as she moved in the seat instantly distracted her.

How could her body possibly be craving sex when her world was all but crumbling before her eyes?

As if on cue, her pussy began to come alive, responding to the feel of the fabric and the intense need for sexual release.

It was quickly becoming a pleasant distraction from her sad state of affairs so she allowed her mind to follow the lead of her body.

It was at that moment that Tori was struck by a thought that would change the course of her life.

The idea of killing two birds with one stone had Tori sitting straight up in her seat and eager to put her quickly formed plan into action.

“I’ll be an escort,” she said aloud.

The tears stoppd and a devilish smile spread across Toris face.

It just seemed too simple a plan, too easy of a solution but she had no other options.

Tori had dabbled in the sex industry when she was younger and the oldest profession couldn’t have changed that much.

This knowledge gave her a sudden sense of comfort and made her feel as though she was already ahead of the game.

She started her car and lowered the rearview mirror, wiping way her tears and touching up her makeup.

She removed her notebook from her purse and put her plan to paper.

Satified with what she considered a great start to her new endeavor, she put the car in drive and left the bank parking lot.

She was so excited and turned on by the path she was now choosing she could barely contain her enthusiasm.

Feeling the heat and moisture beginning between her long legs she started driving with only two things on her mind: she was going to be an escort and she was going to rub out an orgasm as soon as she could find a discreet, or at least somewhat discreet, place to park.

Tori had a sex drive the was a strong driving force for her. She often compared he appetite for sex to that of a mans. In her experiencce few women seemed to really even enjoy it lt alone need it on a daily basis the way she did.

Even when masturbating the sexy redhead loved to mix things up a bit, to add a little spice.

Driving to the corner of the parking lot Tori found a spot that gave her a wonderful view of the construction workers in the adjacent lot.

She put the car in park and wiggled in place as she lowered her pants.

She liked to think the contruction workers could see the look on her face, to tfeel the electricity of her sexually charged energy emitting from the van.

She spotted a burly looking gent with a bald head and goatee and thought of his face between her legs.

Ok….so the above symbol (signifying an orgasm) is something you will find throughout my blog.

It represents the point where the sotry is about to get steamy, and, as such, my lady parts begin sceraming for attention.

Please feel free to conjur up a hot menal image at this point!

The “O” also means you will have to click it and follow the link to subscribe (hey, a girls gotta make a living).

Thank you for your donation towards the furtherance of he next few chapters!

Enjoy, and take the time to brighten your day by grabbing your own “O” if the feeling is there!



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